Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Shoot the Scale

This is the way most of us feel this time of year. Some of us are actively watching what they eat and making sure they are doing some sort of physical activity. Then others are already "off the wagon" so to speak. Taking the necessary steps to lose weight are not easy but the smallest change in your daily way of life can point you in the right direction. If you start out by cutting out sugar or white flour, or if you make an effort to to get in something physical you are on the right path. Professionals say the most important thing is to get moving. Get off that couch and start doing something to elevate your heart level. If you park your car further away from the office or the mall and force yourself to walk further is even a benefit. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator is another way. If, however you are terribly out of shape and get winded by the simplest exertion, you have to start very slowly. Having been in this position for the majority of my adult life I have to say this is true. The physical part of fitness is extremely important. I can't tell you how much better I feel after I finish a workout and I actually look forward to my workout each day. I never thought I would be saying this but it is true. In the past I would join an aerobics class and kill myself trying to keep up with the group. All I would achieve was sore muscles and back and a feeling of failure because I would quit after a few classes. It took a while but I finally learned that taking it slowly was the way to go. Starting slowly by walking at a slow pace and a short distance is all you need to do as a start. Your body will respond and you'll begin to feel stronger and be able to increase your distance and your speed. After you get into the habit of doing something physical daily you too may find that it makes you feel better. Your breathing improves and your stamina is better. I'm writing this today in the hopes that my husband and a couple of my family members will take these small steps to improving their health. I am not an expert by usual standards but in my own way I am a bit of an expert. I've been there. I know the feeling of having my legs feel like lead weights are tied to them when I tried to walk. I know what it feels like to gasp for air after the slightest bit of exertion. I also know how it feels to begin to see an improvement in my strength and stamina. This is something we all know, but maybe it isn't. Not everyone knows this stuff and maybe someone reading it will take the steps to start getting fit and living a better life.


Judi said...

You go girl!
This post is so important! Thanks for the reminder!
Get moving all (me included!).


Jody V said...

Thanks Kathy! Getting back to the gym will hurt but it will be well worth it!


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

With the onset of winter blahs I found an article that said exercise was good to get rid of them too. We can't go wrong by 'moving' it seems. 'On Ya'-ma

Tatersmama said...

I've got a couple of dance dvd's that I put on when I have 5 minutes of spare time. And you know what? It's working!

Sandra said...

I agree with you. I have lost a few lbs so far this year but now after doing a little too much I can't walk... I think I sprained my ankle but don't know how I did that. It just gradually began to hurt more and more as I put my weight on it so now I have to sit but I will be watching what I eat at least... Hope it goes well for you.

Dutch said...

When my doctor gave me the ok to start exercising I just came down with a terrible cold. I feel miserable. I hope to start sometime soon. Have a good evening. Thanks for the advice.

pam said...

I agree, exercise is so important. I've found the perfect blend of cardio, yoga, and weights that works for me, and I feel so much better.