It's been a busy week for my hubby and me. We have friends visiting us and they will be here for the next six weeks. After that we will be camping with them for a couple of weeks. The are from southern California and come up this way every summer. This time they are looking for a home to buy here though. It becomes a bit trying after a while since we usually plan our dinners together. Breakfast and lunch we are on our own but dinner we have together. It is fun but it's a bit much having someone here all that time. They are really great people and are doing all they can to not be overbearing. They will be in Oregon until October. They go fishing for salmon at the coast in September. He is a master fisherman. If nobody is catching fish, he is. If everybody is catching fish, he is catching the most. I don't know how he does it but he knows all there is to know about fishing.
Our pets seem to be doing better. Chloe is feeling better and isn't limping anymore and Molly is taking her medicine for the thyroid problem and does seem to be drinking water less and even may be gaining a little weight. I am so glad.
I haven't lost any weight in the last several weeks and it's been frustrating me. I am having a bit of a problem and I think I will be calling my doctor to let them know. My acid reflux has worsened. I get up every night and move to the recliner so that I can sleep. I wake myself up in bed coughing. It seems that liquids come up while I am asleep and I feel like I am aspirating. Sometimes I wake up with a mouthful of liquid. The Prilosec keeps it from having an acid taste but it is still coming up. So I know that isn't right. I am wondering also if I have enough restriction. I am able to eat much more than I could before. I usually don't but I don't want to feel hungry. The thing with the Lapband is it is adjustable and needs to be tweaked to find the right fill for me.
I hope you all have a great weekend. I am hoping to finally make it to our Saturday Market tomorrow and the guys are going fishing so the wives will be no doubt shopping tomorrow.
Map fo all things Apifera
1 year ago
It's nice that your friend will be moving near you. They say it's a buyer's market. That's only bad if they need to sell their present home.
I'm glad to hear that your pets are doing better.
Have a good weekend.
So glad your little ones are feeling better. Hope they fix you up too. that sounds very uncomfortable. I could not imagine having guest that long.
Hope everything works out ok.
Love, Cassie
Oh are REALLY nice to have them at your house for so long. REALLY NICE. Understanding that it can be a little tiring and difficult after a while. Probably have some good times too though. Hope you can relax and enjoy them.
That fishing sounds fun. Wish my family liked to fish.
Have a good weekend.
Oh Kathy! That doesn't sound fun at all. Hopefully, someone or something can help you. My hubby suffers from that several night a week. I always feel so badly for him when he's gagging like crazy (and for me because he wakes me up!!).
When I have houseguests for a period of time--it does get kind of discomboobulating (is that a word?) for me. As much as I don't like to think of myself as a creature of habit--I sure can be!
Good to know your pets are doing better!
Enjoy all the fish your friend catches!!!
I hope your reflux gets better. It can be miserable, especially when you can't sleep. I hope you can enjoy your company. It is a change in routine, I know. Take care. And, thank you for all your nice comments on my blog. :)
Okay, now I'm interested and it is probably a mistake, but what is Farm Town? Do I really need to know about an additive game, if that is what it is?
I freak out when someone comes and visits for a weekend, I can't imagine 6 weeks!!
I'm glad your all your fur babies are doing better.
I hope you get better too!
You sure have some busy times ahead! I hope you feel better soon. there's some protein for you!! Enjoy the weekend.
Oh...I forgot to tell you that I am so happy that Chloe and Molly are doing better!!
I hope you make lots of good memories during the visit but that is a long stretch. Glad the babies are better. :) Hope you get your tummy issues fixed!
I'm so glad to hear that the pets are doing better! Hope you are feeling better soon as well. :)
You are one fine person to have house guests for six weeks. Ouch. There's an old saying, "house guests and fish stink after three days." It's nice how you've worked out a way for everyone to have some free time and then to get together in the evenings. Sounds good to me. Glad to know your pets are doing better.
Thanks for stopping by my kitchen and following my blog. It gave me the opportunity to pay you a visit and say hello.
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