Saturday, April 11, 2009

Today I have lots to do. I need to make my sign for the Cardboard Testimonies tomorrow at church. I still haven't decided on what I will write on it. I also need to get the things I still need for dinner tomorrow. I am making a ham and haven't decided what I will use as a glaze. I think Pam at Sidewalk Shoes is preparing a Cranberry Bourbon Glazed Ham. Doesn't that sound mouthwatering? I need to find a great recipe for a glaze. Then I will make Deluxe Potatoes using frozen hashed browns and cream of chicken soup and sour cream and cheese. It is far from a diet dish but, Hey it's a holiday right? I will make some rolls and a salad and then dessert. Maybe I will let my friend bring dessert if she wants. She said she wants to bring something so that is a good idea. Besides she makes pies to die for. She uses butter in her crust and it turns out golden brown and so buttery tasting and flaky.

I went to my doctor's appointment on Thursday and he filled my band again. I only wanted a tiny bit, but he put the same amount he took out 6 weeks ago. I wasn't sure I was going to be happy with that since it caused me problems before. But, since I had the fill for 6 months before the problems arose I guess he figured that is the best amount to add. My first night was a little difficult because I ate dinner late and had a cup of tea before bedtime. I felt like my food was gurgling up all night. I finally got up and came out and sat in my recliner. Last night I made sure to eat by 6pm and didn't eat or drink anything after that. I slept like a baby. Until 4:30am when I woke and couldn't get back to sleep so I figured I must have had enough sleep. That was a new experience. Anyway, I was able to lose much better with the fill when I had it before so now I should begin losing at a steady rate again. Unfortunately, I won't be able to eat much of my Easter dinner tomorrow but I will eat a little of it.

I have a new blog I just started to read, actually it's only just been started. It is a long time friend's daughter and her husband's blog about their baby daughter that was born March 19th and wasn't due until June 30th. She is in the Neonatal department at the hospital and she is so tiny. She needs prayers from my friends. She is expected to remain in the hospital until at least after her due date. I am praying daily that she doesn't develop any problems and grows strong and healthy. The blog is Maybe you can stop by and check out the pictures of her. She is just a little over a pound now. Isn't that incredible? Well, I am off to the gym and then the market. Have a wonderful Saturday all.


Unknown said...

Have a blessed Easter and that glaze sounds "yummy".... :)

Kathy said...

I went to to look for a glaze and found a cranberry bourbon glaze and also a bourban peach glaze. Now I just need to decide which one to use...... said...

Does the band make you not get hungry? I hope you will be able to enjoy that wonderful ham you are baking. I always used brown sugar and pineapple and cloves on is so easy...
Enjoy your day..
Happy Easter!