Follow this down I was tagged by Karen at Nittany Inspiriations
Ok here it is. The sixth picture in the sixth folder in My Pictures. This one was taken on New Years Day this year at a Rose Bowl Party we attended. The tall good looking guy is my man Bob and the cute gal is Doris who happens to be the wife of our pastor. They were clowning around in the kitchen of the friends holding the party. I had hoped to find one of Chloe in that folder but she wasn't there. So I decided to put one on of her that I took last week anyway. Here is what she said on my blog:You have been tagged. If you would care to play, open the sixth folder of my photos and choose the sixth photo, post it on my blog and tell something about it. Then select 6 other bloggers to tag. Here are the one's I have chosen.
1. Pam of Sidewalk Shoes
2. Susan of Schnitzel and the Trout
3. Sonya of My Southern Home
4. Katherine of Apifera Farm
5. Katie of Tatersmamas Take on Things
6. Judi of Stories from the road
Thanks for the tag! I'm going to try to participate, but I'm not too good at actually remembering to do it when I sit down to write my blog!
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